Then What? (Charcoal Edition)

One day I tried to do a mask that would help with black heads. Most people get black heads in their T-zone which is the forehead, nose, and chin. When I did the first charcoal mask I used a store bought mask. The mask contained charcoal and sugar mixed together. I followed the instructions for this mask by washing my face, applying the mask, and leaving it on for 10 minutes. While the mask was on my face I felt the ingrediants cleansing my face. However, once I washed it off I saw no real difference.

After trying that mask I tried a DIY mask from online. This mask is made by mixing charcoal tablets with Elmer’s glue. The charcoal tablets I bought were from Target but you can find them in almost any other drugstore. Once I mixed the 2 charcoal tablets with a good amount of Elmer’s glue I applied it on y nose. I left this mask on until it was completely dry and then peeled it off. I felt that this mask did make a difference because my nose looked clearer and felt smoother.

I soon realized that I preferred another mask than the two I just explained. The mask I like the best to help clear my skin and get rid of black heads is Yes To Tomatoes Charcoal Peet Off Mask. This mask can be found at Target and it does wonders. My face felt rejuvenated after one use. I recommend this mask for anyone suffering with blackheads.

So now I strictly use the Yes To Tomatoes mask but also keep searching for other masks that might top this one. It is important to never stop searching for alternative ways to get clear and healthy skin. I hope that everyone tries each of the masks listed because everyone’s skin is different so other methods might work better for one person’s skin than another’s.

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